Thursday, December 15, 2022

How do you succeed in marketing on social Media?

Sometimes you wonder why Social Media Marketing is successful for some business activities, and you find that the number of followers and interactions on their pages doubles in short periods, and you don't know the secret of this powerful interaction?


This is easy to refrain! Simple information but basics, its absence makes entrepreneurs make an effort and energy in marketing on Social Media without making any gains, and knowing them makes the road shorter and clearer.

It's about knowing two things: how to choose the right marketing platform to work on, focus efforts on its development, and know what kind of marketing content attracts your target audience.

Let's start with how you choose the marketing platform. 

If you believe that all social platforms can be used to market all kinds of business activities, and that the more platforms you use, the stronger you will achieve results, then you will surely waste your resources in what is not! This is one of the most famous misconceptions about marketing on Social Media.

Here are 5 questions if you answer them, you'll be able to choose your perfect platform with ease: 

What platform is your target audience so much? 

The most influential factor on which you should choose an effective marketing platform is the presence of those you want your content to reach out to! What benefits you from any platform if your target audience does not accept it? So by studying your ideal customer's specifications - Buyer persona , select the platforms that your potential customer is interested in following periodically for access.

For example, if your target audience is men from 40 to 55, does it help you use the Instagram platform to reach them? Of course not..

What platform do your competitors use?

You can shorten time and effort and avoid "reinventing the wheel", just select the social media platforms that your direct competitors use that have achieved marketing benefits for them, analyze them and find out why they are successful, and you can use the same platforms to promote yourself.

Not only that, but by knowing the market and behaving your target segment you can discover a platform that none of your competitors have ever used and achieve results through, so don't just experiment with your predecessors in the market.

How many platforms can you manage?

To avoid wasting time and effort working on platforms that do not produce clear results, you must identify your potential at the outset and work on the platform that will benefit you the most in a professional way, in the quality, density, design and customer service provided, and after you make your platform stable, you can choose another platform to work on and test its effectiveness.

What kind of content are you going to create? 

The types of content are appropriate for each activity, so if you use your media accounts to publish your domain updates and news of your organisation, i.e. you are a B2B company, you'd better use professional platforms like LinkedIn, or your Twitter account that you use as part of advertising your organisation as well.

If you're offering video content but it's short, the platform that's best for you could be Instagram or Snap-chat, and if it's relatively long videos, YouTube will surely be your best choice alongside Facebook and Twitter.

If your activity requires heavy photo sharing and total reliance on it, Instagram will be effective in achieving your goal of posting photos.

If you answer the above questions with clear and informed answers, now go to the second part, which is to determine the types of content you'll display on your marketing platform.

The types of content circulating on Social Media are many and complex, from which each marketing officer chooses what he finds appropriate for his target segment, in the following points we introduce you to the most popular types of marketing content on Social Media and the role of each in increasing the interaction of followers with your page.

Top Popular Contents on Social Media

Marketing content to review your products

Is the type of content most famous and most used, although it is important and necessary but does not reap strong interaction, and in the long run will never benefit you in building an audience and followers of your activity page, because the social network that you use when you pay attention to the lack of interaction of your followers because Your monotonous sales publications that don't attract them, automatically will reduce the visibility of your publications, this does not mean that you stop displaying your products, specifications and prices directly on your page, but you should be satisfied with only 10% of your total publications for this Purpose.

Interactive content 

You can consider interactive content as the primary and most important type that you can't ignore on your social media, focusing on reviewing aspects of your activity but entirely without talking about a particular product, interactive content should attract the attention of your potential followers and customers, and get them around you.

News and tweeds review content

We are all keen to follow the latest news in the areas that we care about, if your followers feel that you are always offering them will be more interested in following you, but be sure to write about news related to your page area only directly, and avoid exploiting any trend that has nothing to do with your activity even if you expect your audience to interact with it. 

Like Costa's Facebook page on World Recycling Day: a new reusable cup, made from paper coffee cups they get back from their stores!

Interactive Competition Content

One of the most popular ways to increase interaction on your page is to make competitions between followers, but the nature of the competitions you make must be appropriate to the interests of your target audience, and the awards of these competitions should be something that your audience will appreciate, preferably also less important for those who are not in the market you target, to get the most out of the audience's long-term interaction with your competitions. 

As a contest on Costa's official Facebook page, a person shares a comment saying with whom does he want to share his coffee? Costa sends the winner his favourite coffee home.

Video content from the work environment

People love to explore behind-the-scenes where your whereabouts are, whether you're a company, an office, an exhibition, a place where you can occasionally share some fun photos of your team with your audience, to humanise your content that your potential customers are following, which gives you credibility and motivates people to visit you on the ground as well.


In the end, the common factor that causes the success of any activity on social Media is the quality and diversity of the content provided to the masses, which means that just sharing photos and details of your products and trying to sell them is not enough to develop your social media, but you need to make dozens of types of interactive content for your audience, which in turn and with continuity will bring you sales automatically in the future.

In this article, we discussed the two most popular reasons for the success or failure of marketing on Social Media Marketing, the first is the marketing platform - social media platform through which you choose to market, and the second is the marketing content - social media content you offer, because they are the two things that confuse marketers when you start marketing for any business. 



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