Monday, October 26, 2020

Analysis of warehouse risks and insurance coverage

There is an integration in the protection of any industrial or civil enterprise in terms of safety procedures to be followed to avoid accidents and between insurance coverage which is a mechanism for transferring the risk from the affected company to the insurance company.


The stores in general can be classified into the structure of the existing store in addition to the internal inventory which can be raw materials - materials manufactured - machines - offices and others and the relationship is reciprocal between the structure and inventory, any risk affecting the structure will affect the inventory and any risk may affect the inventory may affect the structure and therefore the relationship between them is a tying relationship and no risk is evaluated and analysed to take into account this subject where it is not possible Assess any risk to inventory without structure or structure without inventory.

Therefore, in assessing the risk associated with the subject matter of the stores, it is necessary to assess the physical and moral risk effects of both the structure and the inventory.

The ratio of physical risk effects can be indicated to the basic things:


- The location of the store in relation to the wind direction for him - proximity to the center of civil defence - materials made of the structure - proximity to potential danger effects such as river, sea, lake or proximity to a high-risk factory - proximity or after traffic that may cause damage to this structure as a result of the collision of vehicles - the number of cars carrying and unloading goods and their daily traffic system because of the danger to the structure and wall of the store - the presence of internal and external surveillance cameras - the presence of a night guard - the presence of a night guard Protection built as required for protection - the structure of the warehouse is placed for the exterior fence so that suitable spaces are left from all sides for the arrival of service vehicles in case of emergency - there are adequate exits.


The type of goods stored and the quality of the goods in terms of the possibility of self-interaction - and the presence of wooden medicines to lift the goods from the ground - well covered - distributed within the store so that sufficient corridors are left.

As for the moral effects associated with human behaviour towards hazards, they can be aggregated for the structure and inventory of the following:

The owner's policy in all matters related to occupational safety and his keenness to follow the necessary guidelines - the selection of qualified staff in all aspects of work for their expertise in avoiding potential hazards - the existence of a safety policy and evacuation policy in case of emergency - the presence of staff trained in first aid - the presence of a dedicated and dedicated safety officer - the application of strong laws for violations in safety regulations - and the establishment of a strict policy to prevent smoking.

These are the basic physical and moral effects of the dangers affecting the stores and their contents.

The main risks to stores:

1- Fire

It can be caused internally by an interaction in the stored materials or by a malfunction in electrical connections or as a result of a heat source such as a heater, gas, throwing of cigarette butts, the presence of flammable substances with a thermal source and thus access to the third of the ignition, or it may be an external origin such as the arrival of fire to the store from a fire next to the store or a car burned for some reason next to the store or any source of fire outside the store.

2- Water damage

The water access to the goods inside the store may cause significant damage and the source of this water may be internal due to a malfunction in the water extensions inside the storage or external due to leakage of rainwater or leaking water inside. 3- Storms and wind: High winds and tornadoes may cause severe damage to both the body of the store and the stock if the construction structure of the store is weak and the crash or collapse of part of it as a result of poor resistance may damage the internal inventory.

3- Explosion

Improper storage of high explosive materials without regard to safety grounds may cause an explosion, causing the chassis to crash, damage the stock, or an external explosion adjacent to the storage site could be severely damaged.

4- The collision

The movement of vehicles transporting goods and unloading goods may be the cause of accidents where they can collide with the structure of the store, causing significant damage or may collide with a machine or goods inside the store, resulting in serious damage and damage from a vehicle passing by the store and as a result of circumstances that may hit the wall of the store.

5- Storms and winds

High winds and tornadoes can cause significant damage to both the body of the store and the stock if the construction structure of the store is weak and part of the damage to the internal inventory may be destroyed or destroyed.

6- Earthquakes

An earthquake can cause serious damage to the structure of the warehouse and the inventory.

7- Aircraft crashes

It is a rare occurrence of damage to the store, which can cause serious damage to the storage structure and inventory.

8- Robbery

One of the risks to which stores may be exposed is the theft of inventory or the equipment of the structure itself. Therefore, the means of physical protection to prevent access to these incidents or at least to minimise their impact if they occur:

In case of a fire

  • The presence of suitable extinguishers depending on the type of goods present (water, powder, carbon dioxide, foam) and to be distributed so that they are easily accessible in the event of a fire.

  • There is an emergency evacuation plan and clear signs of exits.

  • The presence of properly distributed water hoses.

  • The presence of fire alarms and sensors for this subject.

  • There are sufficient corridors to reach the fire in the event of an outbreak and storage in the form of piles and rows of harmony.

In case of water damage

The goods must be lifted off the ground and coated to prevent water from reaching them.

Storms and winds

The construction structure of the warehouse must be strong and coherent to resist difficult weather factors and periodic maintenance of this structure must be carried out to strengthen and stabilise it in the face of these factors.


Be careful in storing materials that can cause explosions when connected, safely separate them and provide the right temperature to prevent any explosions that may cause disasters.


There must be signs and arrows indicating the sub-roads with vehicle warning plates including the permitted speed in order to reduce the possibility that these vehicles will collide with the body of the store.


The seismic design of the warehouse should be taken into account in order to protect this facility from damage in the event of an accident.

Aircraft crashes

The roof of the facility must be solid and protected to protect the facility from any objects that can fall on it and thus protect the inventory inside it from any damage.


There must be surveillance cameras and alarms and there must be a guard guarding the facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The moral aspect is to ensure that these requirements and safe behaviour are applied in the practice of all necessary work in the store. The factors that complement the protection factors represented by the safety conditions are the insurance protection, where the warehouse is supposed to be insured with three basic insurance policies:

  • Fire Insurance Policy: Its insurance coverage includes inventory, structure and all that is stated in the policy of all the previous risks referred to.

  • A civil liability document: covered by all third parties (neighbourhood, visitors, Marin) in the event of any physical or material damage to them as a result of the activities and activities of the store.

  • Workers' insurance policy: To compensate workers for any damages that may be caused to them during the performance of their work.