Friday, April 8, 2022

5 methods to double the visits and sales of your eCommerce

 You have an e-store and you find the first results in search engines difficult? 

Don't worry. 

A number of proven methods that have proven successful in one of the sites of Siu Sahe


Method 1: Answer all the questions!

One of the most important points you should work on when creating a new e-store is to help your target audience and provide solutions to their problems so that they can trust you. 

- Subscribe to 

Then select the countries you are targeting to sell in, then place the keyword related to your product and then select Questions to find out the questions related to your product ...

And then write articles that answer these questions like we did on the client's website.

And these are examples of keywords that we've targeted in the titles of the articles. 

As you can see, titles that contain a question format get a higher click rate than any other address, and this will bring visitors interested in the product as soon as possible.

More importantly, you won't need to compete for the product keyword at first until your site starts getting back-to-back and increasing its power in Google isn't it cool?

Method 2: Use to increase your desire to buy

People do not trust the ads but they trust each other if I tell you that I subscribed to this service and doubled the sales of my e-store by 250% you will believe what I say and you will increase your desire to try this service because I do not promote it but I tell you my experience and experiences stronger than any direct ads ...

This is exactly what will happen with the visitors of your store so when any visitor enters your site will find a notice with a message telling him that someone else has just bought the product that he sees and this will push the reader to overcome the obstacle of lack of trust with your online store and take the decision to buy ...

All you have to do is register an account in Provely io and then create a new Campaign and connect your online store to the platform so that it automatically withdraws new orders ...

Method 3: Address each visitor individually 

Through cookies you can find out what products each visitor has seen inside your store and display them to them in an in-site bar titled "You have seen these products" but this message seems to be a deaf message!

What if you give him a motive to buy as described in the previous picture ...

When you offer him a discount on the products he's already seen, and he's interested in them, he'll feel like you're only talking to him, and if he's on the site from any other IPA, he won't find that offer visible. 

This would push him to buy and take advantage of the offer ...

Method 4: Use Push Notifications as Re-Targeting

Using push notifications in their traditional form can be annoying to many, but when you use it for the benefit of your visitors they will accept it and interact with it...

This is exactly what you should do in your online store...

Then install the service within your site by following the explanation provided by the company afterwards when someone clicks on Allow Notifications from within your site 

You will know from any product page that has registered and therefore you can re-target it by offering a discount coupon or a free gift as described in the example above.

Method 5: Using curiosity to your advantage 

If you are receiving requests on Whats-app or e-mail, you can use this method to your advantage through the so-called Curiosity Effect or curiosity effect...

When you tell the visitor that on request, he will receive a gift that you will pay at least to communicate with you through the means you provide, whether it's Whats-app or otherwise. 

This will provide you with many leads that you can contact at any time to sell your products. 

This method alone doubled calls and leads by 50% once applied.